“What gets measured gets managed,” Peter Drucker once said. The management guru knew that measuring something is the first step to improving it—and measurement verification proves that Water Saver Solutions’ water conservation solutions have helped Redlands Community Hospital improve its bottom line.
In just 0.9 years, the independent hospital in Redlands, CA, experienced proven savings and ROI. Water Saver Solutions reduced the hospital’s water costs by 52.7% and its natural gas costs by 23.6% from 2015 to 2016, according to measurement verification performed by independent third-party company Ecom-Energy Inc., using EnerVisor Software. As of December 2017, natural gas usage had been reduced an additional 29.8% and water usage an additional 10.6% compared to 2016.
Water Saver Solutions began installing low flow showerheads, faucet laminar flow control devices, wall dialysis adapters, and pre-rinse sprayers at the 229-bed hospital beginning in December 2015. By finding and capitalizing on Southern California Gas incentives, Water Saver Solutions slashed Redlands Community Hospital’s costs for the project by more than 50%.
Water Saver Solutions delivered even more savings by auditing Redlands Community Hospital’s cooling tower evaporation and providing engineering calculations to show that the hospital was being overcharged for sewer usage. Thanks to this audit, in 2016 Redlands Community Hospital received a sanitation rate adjustment that significantly reduced its sewer usage costs.
WSS audits hospitals’ water and energy use and makes recommendations for conservation. The company then works with local utilities to find, negotiate and manage rebates and incentives that drastically reduce the hospitals’ cost of implementing the recommendations. In addition to saving water and gas, WSS helps protect faucet spouts from bacteria growth by installing faucet laminars with an antimicrobial component and providing an ongoing maintenance program.